ADR and Colorado College Utilities Web App Documentation

All technical documentation is located at


This web app has read/write access to your repository and is designed to be run internally on your institution’s network. DO NOT allow open-web access to this web app unless you are prepared for the consequences.

Using Windows Preloaded Environment

To run this web app from pre-built Windows 32-bit environment, download the and unzip to a working directory.

Go to the Configuration section below and follow the directions to configure the fedora.cfg and form-variables.cfg to properly run this web app. To run the web app from the windows environment, open a Windows command-line and follow these directions (assuming was saved and unzipped from current user’s Downloads directory)

C:\Users\current_user\Downloads>cd adr-cc-utilities-win32-env
Running ADR-CC-Utilities Locally in Dev mode
To stop server, use ctrl-c key combination
Connect with your web-browser at http://localhost:8003/

To close the running web app, use the ctrl-c key combination in the command line window that is running. You should now be able to connect to the web app from your browser at http://localhost:8003/.

Installing from Source

To use this web app on Linux or Macintosh, follow these directions to install using either git or by downloading a source zip file.

To install this web app, you can either fork/clone the project’s source code from

$ git clone

download a zip file and unzip the file to create the app’s working directory.:

$ unzip adr-cc-utilities

Change directories to the new adr-cc-utilities directory and run this command to install the Python modules required by this web app

$ cd adr-cc-utilities
$ python install


To use this web app, you’ll need to first copy create two Flask configuration files: fedora.cfg and form-variables.cfg both located in adr-cc-utilities directory.

From Windows

$ copy example-fedora.cfg fedora.cfg
$ copy example-form-variables.cfg form-variables.cfg

For Linux, MacOS, or Window Powershell

$ cp example-fedora.cfg fedora.cfg
$ cp example-form-variables.cfg form-variables.cfg

You then need to change the following variables in each of the configuration files to match your Fedora Commons Server root, location, username, and password along with Institutional details for the batch Fedora Objects ingestion.


Variables for fedora.cfg are listed in the configuration section in the Flask Fedora Commons Documentation as well.



Variables in form-variables.cfg provide common information, such as INSTITUTION_NAME, for the forms used in this web app These variables (and examples values) are :

CONTENT_MODELS ‘[“adr:adrBasicObject”, “adr:adrETD”]’
INSTITUTION_NAME ‘Any Memory Institution’
LOCATION ‘City, State’
RIGHTS_STATEMENTS ‘Copyright by Any Memory Institution, all rights reserved’

The SECRET_KEY variable is needed by the WTForms, put a random string of characters.

Running as a local web app

To run this web app from the command line in either development or production mode, use the following command with these options.

Run in development mode with default host of and default port of 8003

$ python dev

Run in production mode with optional –host and –port options

$ python prod --host=localhost --port=8080

You should now be able to use your web browser of choice to access the web app. In the default development or production modes, load http://localhost:8003/ into the browser’s address bar.

Classes and Methods

Indices and tables